Episode 11: Bunny Buns Tarot


Hello and welcome to the eleventh episode of Small Business Sips. In this episode, I had the joy of interviewing Tenillia Hebron, owner of Bunny Buns Tarot. Tenillia shares her story of how she first discovered her passion and love for tarot and astrology. She teaches us a little bit about how to tune into our inner selves and how important self-care is. Tenillia talks about the different events she does and gives us a look behind the scenes before an event and how times it can be a little chaotic but so rewarding. She also so kindly agreed to do a live tarot reading while recording and you don’t want to miss that, there is a message in there for everyone.

So grab your favorite beverage and take a listen! I am so glad you are here!



Episode 12: Gordon’s Good Games


Episode 10: Specs by Kyla